PROJECTS, PROJECTS, PROJECTS!!!11/17/19 YOOOOO!!! 'WHATUPTHO' to all my readers This is the greatest that you've stopped by to see what's goins-on at the triple-R! Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I greatly appreciate it. It's always...
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Saturday, November 23, 2019 (1553 Views)
4 YEARS AND BEYOND!!!'WHATUPTHO' to all my readers! Okay, okay. OKAY!! I know. I know that it's been almost one whole year since an entry was made. It's got to be for a good reason. Be that as it may, there's no excuse. LOL! Now;thank you sooooo...
Posted on
Wednesday, September 25, 2019 (683 Views)
THE BABIES'Whatuptho' to all my readers! Welcome back, and I hope this blog entry finds you in good standings! I appreciate you checkin out what's been goin on around here. Boy, oh boy! It's good to be alive and kickin, as always. It...
Posted on
Sunday, November 25, 2018 (766 Views)
PERSEVERANCE'Whatuptho' to all my readers Yo, man. What a GREAT feeling it is to be alive, man! This is just amazing! To be able to live life, inhale and exhale on our own; we all take it for granted, but it's huge, man. I'm excited to...
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Saturday, May 26, 2018 (813 Views)
NO JIVIN!!!12/7/17, 8:53 PM. 'Whatuptho' to all my readers Man, it's been a while!!! But I'm glad to be alive and kicking; able to breathe and submit more words for you and me. It definitely is a blessing to be around still, for many...
Posted on
Friday, December 8, 2017 (842 Views)
GIVING BACK'Whatuptho' to all my readers I surely hope that this blog finds each and every one of you off to a great year. Yeah, yeah, I know; (exhales). I've not made an entry since last year. Well, that's all good. Business has been...
Posted on
Friday, April 21, 2017 (800 Views)
RRR ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY9/23/16 'WHATUPTHO' to all my readers!!! Man, WHEW!!! What a busy couple of MONTHS!!! When I tell you that it's been busy Man, I'm talking about BEE busy, son! No joke! In a good way, though. Oops; my bad. I got a bit off...
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Sunday, September 25, 2016 (1043 Views)
SUBSTANCE OF LYRICS05-08-16 'WHATUPTHO' to all my readers around the world! I sure hope that this finds you (all) well on this wonderful day. I'm blessed and appreciative that you've stopped by to check out the latest entry on the site. Even...
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Sunday, May 8, 2016 (1137 Views)
WHEN I FIRST STARTED RHYMIN...3-13-16 'Whatuptho' to all my readers. Back again for another blog entry. Man, I'm motivated. Maybe because it's really 7:42 PM and the clock says 8:42 PM I don't know. What I do know is that it's been a long and busy...
Posted on
Friday, April 1, 2016 (1097 Views)
Z BLACK WOLF3/4/16 Whatuptho Welcome BACK, to all my readers!! Man, it's so great to be able to say that because some folk didn't even get to make it this morning. I appreciate you for reading up and keeping up with the on-goings at...
Posted on
Friday, March 11, 2016 (1031 Views)